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Trigger Warning

Rhino Calendar 2024

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Trigger Warning

  • Labyrinth Club 3658 North Pulaski Road Chicago, IL, 60641 United States (map)

“Trigger Warning" is a self-paced interactive story that guides viewers through the artist’s experiences with problematic age gaps and her critiques (and celebrations!) of its representation in art. Without the viewer's input, the story concludes. The main content of the piece will be accessed through the viewer's personal device (phone, iPad, laptop) and presented in written English. The in-person exhibition will showcase the anonymous responses, transforming them into a piece of visual art. The digital content is compatible with screen readers, and alt text has been carefully implemented.

Visit for more information and to access the story remotely (available throughout June 2024).

Additional Dates

Thu Jun 13 7pm

Thu Jun 20 7pm

Thu Jun 27 7pm