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The Sign of the Traveler

The Sign of the Traveler

Written and performed by Anthony Whitaker

Directed by Joey Harbert

Join Anthony Whitaker in the Sign of the Traveler as they delves into the filing cabinet of their own psyche. From the Wizard of Oz to miraculous Virgin appearances, gym class to fishnet stockings, these stories delve into core truths with which we all must grapple: Why Religion? What *is* gender? And why do the gays love Judy Garland so much? Some things we keep, some things we must leave behind, but at the end, we hope we're left with answers.

May 30th at 7pm

June 6th at 7pm

June 13th at 9pm

June 20th at 9pm

June 27th at 9pm

Chicago Dramatists (798 N Aberdeen)