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Waiting for Ringot

Waiting for Ringot

A play by Eugene O’Reilly

Starring Ann James, Olivia Wheeler, Kelsey McGrath, and Eugene O’Reilly

The Walrus, whose real name is Paul, is sitting in his home, a pile of rubbish, in Nowhere Land. As mayor, he has important duties and today’s is “most important indeed.” The Walrus has been waiting decades for the return of the one whose mottos are “Peace and Love” and he is near exhaustion at the task. Energy and a renewed purpose are in abundance this morning, however, because according to the calendar, “He is coming.” …

“The play was inspired by a prompt from a theatre company in Liverpool. They were doing a festival of new works honoring the sixtieth anniversary of the Beatles. The title came to me first and then the characters and concept. I was cautious to be delving into the sacred territory of what many have called the greatest piece of Existential art ever made; let alone a giant in theatre lore. But here we are, Nowhere.” - Eugene O’Reilly

Sunday, June 2 at 7pm

Sunday, June 9 at 7pm

Sunday, June 16 at 7pm

Sunday, June 23 at 7pm

Sunday, June 30 at 7pm