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What I Remember

What I Remember

by Genevieve Swanson

What I Remember is a 30-minute play about queer love, inspired by musical artist Samia’s debut album, The Baby. Using projection, altered time, abstraction from reality, and multiple perspectives, this story follows the unity and separation of two individuals, Sam and Em, finding their way in and out of love. Using themes from the album’s lyrics, this play creates a mosaic of a relationship that once was. Queer love, like memories, can be fragmented and nonlinear, with some parts more real or vivid than others. Emotions have a funny impact on memory, especially when there are two sides to every story.

This is the second production from a new Chicago theatre company, Do Process. Our mission is to foster the upcoming generation of theater makers and theatergoers by prioritizing innovation and humanity in our process. Find out more at

Sun Jun 16 5pm

Sun Jun 23 5pm

Sun Jun 30 5pm

Chicago Dramatists (798 N Aberdeen)