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Rhinofest 2016


The Adventures of B.B. and Pepe: Funoceros Runoceros

The Billy Goat Experiment performs a new episode of its ongoing radio series about a young orphaned girl and her dog—a secret pirate radio host.

The Apoocolocyntosis of the Future Peoples Commissar of the Enlightenment

From Rick Paul, a fan farita ...after Seneca and Ionesco.

Brink of Bravado

Rhinofest’s Church of the New Play series presents a staged reading of Tim Bungeroth’s play.


Prop Thtr presents a play about the horny, the horned and the horrible from Chicago’s Mark Chrisler.

The Eviller Twin

Rhinofest’s Church of the New Play series presents a staged reading of Sue Cargill’s play.

Exit the Queen

The Ruckus draws inspiration from All About Eve and Ionesco’s The Lesson to explore the relationships between actor and director, teacher and student, character and play.


From Theatre Y, Fatelessness will be unveiled piece by piece over the next year beginning with this 5 part experiment, different each Sunday

Foreign Objects

Rhinofest’s Church of the New Play series presents a staged reading of Rory Jobst’s play.

Full Moon Vaudeville

Opening Celebration of the 27th Annual Rhinoceros Theater Festival, hosted by the Crooked Mouth.

The Has-Beens

Jenny Magnus presents a long form fragmented narrative exploration about the end of things: empire, lives, influences, reason, and hopelessness.


The Side Project presents “The Long Lost (as in misguided) Ionesco Play that Almost Wasn’t (Until it Actually Wasn’t)”.

How I Became a Luddite

A solo lecture-performance by legendary Chicago story teller John Starrs.

Ionesco Paris Review Interview

Jeff Glassman and Jennifer Moniz do Eugene Ionesco as interviewed by Shusha Guppy for The Paris Review, No. 93, Fall 1984, Eugene Ionesco, The Art of Theatre No. 6.

Ionesco Speaks to Studs Terkel... Or At Least Tries To

From WFMT/Studs Terkel Radio Archive, an unlikely conversation in Ionesco’s Paris apartment in 1962.


In this non-traditional theater piece, The Runaways Lab investigates evil, solitude, and where to go when society has rejected you.

Little Man and His Wife

Rhinofest’s Church of the New Play series presents a staged reading of Jennifer Biddle’s play.

Meaning Is Tricky

Barrie Cole’s new play about friendship, sex, pretending, and deciding what matters.


Joined by composer Eric Reda, Karen Yates performs a text and sound piece about a recent trip to Mexico that contemplates the spectacle of tourism versus the natural world.

Question Quest!

Bucket of Mistakes is a bunch of weird ass kids that we found on the street and locked in our basement until they agreed to perform this show.


In this, its 27th year, Curious Theatre Branch will do a production of Ionesco’s Rhinoceros, a play of transformation, dreaming, drunkenness and the perplexities of fascism, directed by Curious co-founder Beau O’Reilly.

Rhinofest Lecture Series

Get ready for anything in this performance-lecture series featuring the likes of Martha Bayne, Stefan Brün, Dan Caffrey, Robin Cline, Jenny Magnus, Ira S. Murfin, Mitch Salm and Matt Test.

Rhinofest Music Series

A Tuesday night music series headlined by The Crooked Mouth, joined by musicians such as Eves Undoing, Jeff Kowakowski, Push Pushers and Midnight Moxie.

The Runaways

Part of the weekend kids series, PinkElephant Performing Troupe presents The Runaways, an original play with songs written and directed by Lena Brün.

should we put it out? (the smoke)

Rhinofest’s Church of the New Play series presents a staged reading of Jayita Bhattacharya’s play.

Shut Up, I’m Flying

In Justin Botz’s new solo piece, Ionesco attempts to explain his play, A Stroll in the Air, a rhinosorous gives a lecture on linguistics, and a flamewar erupts on an online gaming forum.