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Nyra's Dreams

Nyra’s Dreams

Image of dancer Shalaka Kulkarni  kneeling onstage

Instagram: @shalaka_dance

Directed by Stefan Brün

Length: 50-60 minutes 

Friday, June 21 at 7:00

Saturday, June 22 at 7:00

Chicago Dramatists (798 N Aberdeen)

‘Nyra’s Dreams’ is a story of Nyra, who walks between different worlds and connects within her fragmented mind to women who teach her about strength, frailty, and hope, helping her realize her real quest to find her way back home to Dyavaprthivi, between heaven and earth. This quasi-solo play includes contemporary and traditional Indian classical dance, varied characters and humor to bring Nyra and her story to life.

Nyra is a fictional character derived from the research about the Devadasi (temple-dancer) system in India.

Written and Performed by Shalaka Kulkarni