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Written by Caroline Kidwell

Directed by Maura Kidwell

Based on a true story, Penelope follows the journey of Penelope and Cecil, two platypuses that came to The Bronx Zoo in 1947 with the express purpose of procreation. Penelope, however, spurned all of Cecil’s advances, faked a pregnancy to get double rations, and mysteriously escaped never to be seen again.

With original music by Caroline Kidwell and Max Cohen– and inspiration from Marie Antoinette, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, and others– Penelope lets us examine the rage, rise, and fall of a woman in the public eye (through the lens of a bizarre, semi-aquatic, two pound creature).


Caroline Kidwell as Penelope, Ian Maryfield as Cecil

Band members- Max Cohen, & Tom Ronningen

Featuring Caitlin Jackson, Wyatt Kent, Maura Kidwell, Josh Razavi, Andy Ricci, Anna Seibert, & Tyler Anthony Smith

Friday, June 14th at 7pm

Saturday, June 15th at 7pm

Sunday, June 16th at 3pm

Chicago Dramatists (798 N Aberdeen)