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BIPOC Play Fest

4th Annual BIPOC Play Fest — Rhino Fest 2024

Perceptions Theatre's 4th Annual BIPOC Play Fest

Works included:

The Nag by Louis Johnson

First Comes Love by Marie Yuen

The New New Testament (an excerpt) by alfonzo khalil

Panther Women: An Army for the Libration (an excerpt) by India Nicole Burton

Issa Was Here by Makeda M. Declet

About the plays:

Panther Women: An Army for the Liberation by India Nicole Burton follows one woman’s journey to self-discovery through the stories of three prominent women who were members of the Black Panther Party and Black Liberation Movement. This high-energy movement piece with poetry, monologues, dance, and song explores the dilemmas, obstacles, and joy of African American Women, chronicling the lifelong pursuit of justice by some of the founding women of the Civil Rights Movement. A choreopoem built upon extensive research and collaboration with a cohort of Black artists, Panther Women: An Army for the Liberation, touches on the core of the human condition and celebrates Black women.

The New New Testament by alfonzo kahlil Somewhere between the old world and the new. there’s always some old. the new is just a shiny old built on another less chrome old. therefore, we declare a new testament, a newer testament, a new new testament, in order to make sure our new, not your new, stay new; and the old stay old. this is not a remix, this is not a retelling…” This is modern day where EVE & EDEN set out to live their new lives together outside of the Garden. However, they abruptly discover every garden has their snakes, every relationship their challenges, and every Testament their devils.

First Comes Love by Marie Yuen — A one-act play about two sisters exploring some of the issues that arise in a family caring for a child with special needs. Thanks to Angela Pullen for her valuable insights as a physical therapist who at the time of my writing worked for years at March of Dimes. 

Issa Was Here by Makeda M. DecletTwo ambitious Black writers who come to realize that there is room for both of them in a world where Black writers are easily tokenized or dismissed.

The Nag by Louis Johnson — A wealthy American couple travels to Jamaica on holiday. But is it a vacation or a trip to Hell? Just ask Mr. VanderBurke!

Presented as part of Rhino Fest 2024 at Perceptions Theatre (1825 E. 79th St) in Chicago's South Shore neighborhood. The venue is a first-floor space with no stairs to enter and exit.