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Measure of a Man

Measure of a Man

Written by India Nicole Burton

Directed by Reshmi Hazra Rustebakke

Featuring alfonzo kahlil

How does one measure the life of a man like Chairman Fred Hampton, who was assassinated by the FBI and Cook County Police in Chicago, Illinois in 1969? Measure of a Man is an examination of a pivotal moment in American history, offering both a tribute to Chairman Fred Hampton's legacy as one of the youngest and most prominent leaders of The Black Panther Party. Set in the apartment where he and another panther man, Mark Clarke met their untimely demise. The play serves as an experimental exploration of Hampton's youth, his magnetic charisma, and his tireless efforts to unite the working class across racial lines. The stage is a haunting tableau, with blood splatters on the walls, doors, and windows with bullet holes in them; yellow caution tape strewn about the room. Through a series of flashbacks, monologues, and immersive dialogue, the audience is taken on a journey through Hampton's life, from his early activism to his rise as a powerful leader in the Black Power movement.

Attention: This production contains scenes of violence, explicit language including pejoratives, racial slurs and graphic images. Viewer discretion is advised. We aim to portray these elements with sensitivity, but please be aware of their presence. If you have concerns or sensitivities regarding such content, please consider this before attending. Your comfort and enjoyment are important to us.

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Perceptions Theatre (1825 E 79th St)

Sat Jun 8 7pm

Sun Jun 9 3pm

Wed Jun 12 7pm

Sat Jun 15 7pm

Sun Jun 16 3pm

Mon Jun 17 7pm

Sat Jun 22 7pm

Mon Jun 24 7pm

Wed Jun 26 7pm