Cocks Out for Palestine
Cocks Out for Palestine
No one can make heads or tails of Sy Greenberg, world-renowned playwright, anti-Semitic convert to Judaism, Islamophobe extraordinaire. After decades of acting as a mouthpiece for the Israeli government, suddenly Greenberg writes Nakba!, a moving exposé of the last 75 years of Zionist oppression of Palestinians, alongside compassionate accounts of the pogroms and genocide of Europe’s Jews. What prompted this late-in-life shift, and will anyone take Greenberg seriously? Watch the ripple effects of Nakba! on leading Israeli-American theater critic Ilana Lipschitz, her German leftist wife Bettina, and a mysterious Palestinian barista who calls himself Ahmed Aaronstein… Written and directed by G. Cyrus Pacht.
Facility Theatre (1138 North California Avenue)