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Labyrinth Band Blowout!

Labyrinth Band Blowout

A late-night variety music extravaganza! Presented by Labyrinth Arts and Performance Collective at Facility Theatre.

Star System are a group of queer and neurodivergent vocalists and producers here to anchor the divine vibrations of safety, satisfaction, peace, love, creativity, freedom and grace to every being on the earth plane exponentially more with every blink, breath and heartbeat forever; and they share one body. Musical styles range from pop to rock and more.

Sparkling Urbana brings 90’s queercore energy and folk storytelling for grungy songs with a melodic crunch. Their demo, Debra, can be found on all streaming platforms. Their EP, Give it Extra Teeth, is coming in July 2024. Follow them on Instagram @SparklingUrbana Listen to Sparkling Urbana's demo, "Debra"

Healing Vibes brings together many variety musical guests and spoken word performers to raise funds for the theater community's beloved Tonika Todorova. She is continuing her cancer journey and needs ongoing treatment. All of our portion of the proceeds go directly to her care as well as give folks an opportunity to donate to her GoFundMe.

Labyrinth Of Your Mind is a vintage psychedelic rock project, focusing on the brief but trippy era of psychedelic rock.  Celebrate music you love with covers of Hendrix, The Beatles, the Doors and more. Ensemble includes Keith Fort, Sharon Waltham, Greg Redfeairn, Nick the Stick Maronek, Al Goldberg, Richard Henzel, Dwaine Majkerzak and more. Guest hosts serve as your trip guides, provide laughs and offer fun give-a-ways.

Facility Theatre (1138 North California Avenue)