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The Crooked Mouth...

The Crooked Mouth Album Release Party for “The Times We’ll Have” new album

Pictured: Jenny, Vicki, Beau, Heather, & T-Roy

The Good, the bad, and the Crooked! Come for The Good, stay for The Crooked Mouth playing their new album, “The Times We’ll Have”. Because good old Crooked has had a time with this album, man, its been a long haul. We’ve lost some folks, and gained some folks. Come groove with us, T-Roy Martin on the guitars and vocals, Vicki Walden on the bass and vocals, Jenny Magnus on the drums and vocals,  Heather Riordan on the accordion and a couple vocals, and Beau O’Reilly on the cane, the raps, and the vocals. 

Sat Jun 15 8:30pm

Facility Theater (1138 N. California)