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Lecture on Nothing, now

Lecture on Nothing, now

“I have nothing to say, and I am saying it.  And that is poetry as I need it.”  Two unrelated pieces of music performed side-by-side, in a deliberately uncoordinated manner.  Or is it uncoordinated?  The MAVerick Ensemble (William Jason Raynovich and Przemysław Bosak) re-enacts famous concerts by John Cage and David Tudor by delivering simultaneous performances of Variations III and Lecture on Nothing.  Christian Wolff’s game piece For 1, 2 or 3 people and Raynovich’s never-ending, self-propelled Now round out the program.  Mise-en-scene and lighting design by Jaryd Jensen.  A lively, potentially even rowdy post-concert discussion will follow this unique show.  Open minds and inquisitive ears a plus.

*This blurb was composed without the aid of Artificial Intelligence

Facility Theatre (1138 North California Avenue)