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Layla / What Gives

Layla / What Gives

Performed by: Momina Shahzad, Joy Valdez-Pappas, Whayne Braswell,  Kathy Scambiatterra, and with micro SAG contract, Myesha Tiara, Diana Simonzadeh & Lisa McConnell

LAYLA the body washer (by Nicholas Patricca) is a performance piece written for two actors and a musician. The spare staging and poetic dialogue of the drama — echoing haiku and NOH theatre — portray two women experiencing loss and grief as they prepare the unnamed dead for burial in a war that never ends.

What Gives (by Cecilie Keenan) — Chiraq or Gaza, women are on the front lines with their children. Something’s got to give. Who is it who gives? What Gives is an effort to bring a personal connection between us and them that has divided America.

Facility Theatre (1138 North California Avenue)