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Whatever Iggy Says…

Whatever Iggy Says.../Breach

The Big Dictator is coming — at least that’s what Iggy Pop says — which leads to a collaborative duet with dancer Bob Eisen and actor Beau O'Reilly.

A Rhino double feature! Bob Eisen performs "Whatever Iggy Says..."

Followed by:


comedy & poetry by Maya Odim

What do you think? I'm inviting you to play: play with how you think about history, play with how you think about now and play with how you think about thinking about thinking about thinking. Don't think too hard about it! Hear me out: I have a story to tell you.

Fri Jun 28 7:00 PM - 7:45 PM

Sat Jun 29 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM

Sun Jun 30 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM

Facility Theatre (1138 North California Avenue)