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CAIN: A Mystery

CAIN: A Mystery

By Lord Byron
Adapted and Directed by Ramona Rotten and Ryan Kenney

“I live, But live to die; and, living, see no thing To make death hateful, save an innate clinging, A loathsome, and yet all invincible Instinct of life, which I abhor, as I Despise myself, yet cannot overcome— And so I live.”

This proto-absurdist closet drama explores the futility of life, as seen through the eyes of Cain whose struggles with the inevitability of death consume him with existential despair. This play challenges traditional beliefs about morality and the nature of God, offering a provocative examination of the absurdity of human existence and the surreal cycle of life and death.

Labyrinth Club (3658 North Pulaski)