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Happy Birthday Janis Porcho

Happy Birthday Janis Porcho

Meet Janis Porcho, a 32-year-old dynamo who effortlessly juggles the worlds of number-crunching and comedic brilliance. By day, she's the resident accountant at PayGo, a bustling hub of digital transactions akin to Venmo. But by night, she transforms into a comedic sensation, lighting up the stages of Chicago's stand-up comedy scene with her neurotic charm and infectious hilarity. Janis commands attention in person with her quick wit and adorable demeanor. She's a hopeless romantic at heart, infusing her comedy with tales of love, longing, and the
occasional awkward encounter. Her performances are a rollercoaster ride of laughter, punctuated by moments of genuine warmth and vulnerability. When she's not crafting the perfect punchline, Janis can be found indulging in her favorite pastimes: cuddling with dogs, soaking in hot tubs, and devouring slices of piping hot pizza. And if you ask her about her recent play, be prepared for a whirlwind of comedic gold. Inspired by her own misadventures, Janis penned a riotous tale of her very own disastrous birthday party, which scored a coveted spot at Rhinofest, cementing her status as a rising star in the comedy world. With her blend of hilarity and heart, she is a force to be reckoned with. Get ready to laugh, cry, and fall in love with the one and only - Janis Porcho.

Labyrinth Club (3658 North Pulaski)