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When Peter Met Wendy

When Peter Met Wendy

Peter's turning 30 tomorrow. Wendy is lost in thinking about someone. Two strangers, with shadows right behind the,. When Peter Met Wendy is a reimagining of Peter Pan and Wendy's first meeting, exploring love, self worth, loss, and everything between and how a brief chance encounter can change the course of our lives, featuring a rotating cast of Peters and Wendys.

The Lightbulb Factory presents "When Peter Met Wendy"

by Dakota Pariset

Co-Directed by Eliza Tryon and LF ensemble member Moni M. Villalba

Stage Managed by Charlotte Brown

Featuring performances by: Carolyn Waldee, Charlotte Harris, Zoe Deprez, Zach Osterman, Camilla Frontain, Nate Vangine, Ariana Lopez and ensemble members Julia-Kaye Rohlf and Dakota Pariset

a Rhinoceros Festival participating production in collaboration with Curious Theatre Branch, Prop Thtr and The Labyrinth Club.

Labyrinth Club (3658 North Pulaski)