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The Impossible Knot

Rhino Calendar 2024

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The Impossible Knot

  • Chicago Dramatists 798 North Aberdeen Street Chicago, IL, 60642 United States (map)

A mythological Vaudeville

Created by Terry Sofianos Wohlgenant in collaboration with Maya Odim, Michael Orr, and Annissa Zak

Directed by Gina Buccola

How do we accept incredible loss? What happens when the ties that bind us to the ones we love are suddenly severed? Can we create a knot so strong that even death cannot undo it?

Terry Sofianos Wohlgenant’s The Impossible Knot portrays one woman’s real life struggle to come to terms with the finite nature of existence through story, myth, and being tied in rope. In a series of Vaudeville inspired solos and skits featuring comedy, Shibari, burlesque, and drag, the Three Fates spin, measure, and cut strands of human lives, tying their mortal companion into an impossible knot of love, loss, and ultimate acceptance. 

Additional Dates

June 7th at 7pm

June 9 at 5pm

Earlier Event: June 8
Measure of a Man
Later Event: June 8
Layla / What Gives