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Labyrinth Band Blowout

Rhino Calendar 2024

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Labyrinth Band Blowout

  • Facility Theatre 1138 North California Avenue Chicago, IL, 60622 United States (map)

Show 1: Star System

The Star System: Star System are a group of queer and neurodivergent vocalists and producers here to anchor the divine vibrations of safety, satisfaction, peace, love, creativity, freedom and grace to every being on the earth plane exponentially more with every blink, breath and heartbeat forever; and they share one body. Musical styles range from pop to rock and more.

Additional Dates
June 15, 10:30pm
June 22, 10:30pm
June 29, 10:30pm

Earlier Event: June 8
Later Event: June 9
Ira S. Murfin's "An Interview"