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The Walnut Creek Decapitation

Rhino Calendar 2024

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The Walnut Creek Decapitation

  • Facility Theatre 1138 North California Avenue Chicago, IL, 60622 United States (map)

Written and Directed By John Fisher

Former Chicago comedian Abby Thurman is broke. Credit Cards. Car Loans. Student Debt. You know the drill. In a last desperate attempt at stardom, she decides to relaunch her defunct podcast, a true crime show that focused on a particularly grisly murder from the 90’s. The studio space is rented, her co-host (and ex) Jake has arrived from L.A., the mics are prepped. Everything should be perfect… But then there’s a knock at the studio door.  What follows is a spook-a-blast descent into madness as Jake and Abby (and the audience) take a hilariously scary ride to hell and back…and back again.

Mondays 6/3, 6/10, 6/17, 6/24 at 7:00pm

Earlier Event: June 24
Dream Role
Later Event: June 24
Measure of a Man