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Let's Get Lost: Whistling J. Walter and Jenny Magnus Sing Songs

Rhino Calendar 2024

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Let's Get Lost: Whistling J. Walter and Jenny Magnus Sing Songs

Whistling J. Walter and Jenny Magnus return with their unique styilings, both sartorial and musical, singing songs of the lost, the losers, the kicker-outers, the strivers, the explorers, and the content to get lost at home. Building on their collaborations in other concerts, Walter and Magnus sing two shows in benefit for The Rhinoceros Theater Festival. Featuring extra special guest, the songbird Vicki Walden. Duets! Solos! Trios! Harmonies!

Two shows only! 7pm and 9pm on Saturday, June 29th at Experimental Sound Studio (5925 N Ravenswood).

Earlier Event: June 29
Marie Curie Horror Story
Later Event: June 29
Quid Novi's The Invisible Hand