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The Boat

Rhino Calendar 2024

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The Boat

  • Facility Theatre 1138 North California Avenue Chicago, IL, 60622 United States (map)

The Boat 

Larry is 30 years old. Every night he drags the boat on a cart to the lake, but does not have the strength to even go halfway, so he keeps stopping and returning home.

Five years ago, Mary unexpectedly entered his life, and he fell madly in love with her, as if never before. Every night they dragged the boat to the lake. They were happy. 

They sailed far away and made love in the boat, and it seemed like the boat was flying above the ground. 

Mary disappeared as unexpectedly as she appeared, and Larry's life came to an end. He lived with memories of a happy past, and the memories became an obsession: the lake, the boat, happiness...

Today he goes to the lake and again stops halfway. Unexpectedly, there he meets Charlie, a young man of about 25. 

Charlie is ready to help Larry drag the boat to the desired lake…

Written and directed by Arkadiy Yakhnis


Charley Roetting

Alex Amaya

Mindaugas Braslauskas

Saturday, June 22 at 3:00pm

Sunday, June 23 at 5:00pm

Facility Theatre (1138 N California)

Earlier Event: June 22
Ira S. Murfin's "An Interview"