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Impending Behavior Orchestra

Rhino Calendar 2024

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Impending Behavior Orchestra

  • Facility Theatre 1138 North California Avenue Chicago, IL, 60622 United States (map)

Improvised sound / movement / projection performance based on the festival’s theme… Endangered Species

Music and projections by GRAPE JUICE PLUS:
Barry Bennett
Eric Klotz
Tony Churchill

Movement Invention by:
Mindy Meyers
Chloe Bigelow
Kristina Fluty
Robert Welcher


The Impending Behavior Orchestra
is a modular sound / light/ movement performance group based in Chicago led by musician/composer/sound designer Barry Bennett and originally founded with video artist Kristin Reeves in 2006.
IBO is modular in the sense that it can manifest itself in many forms and purposes. As few as two or as many as 10 collaborators. IBO can manifest as a concert in a club, an interactive piece of dance theater, a component of a full theatrical production, full on frenzy or as still as a gallery installation.
IBO is interested in the impulse of the artist and how it makes them behave in the ritual of live performance. Does the idiosyncratic impulse of the artist/musician/dancer create the vision / behavior, or does the behavior create the idiosyncrasies? Chicken or Egg? Symbiosis?
IBO believes in improvisation.
IBO believes in chaos and synchronicity walking hand in hand.
IBO believes in action / reaction.
IBO believes in simultaneous play.
IBO believes in ritual.
IBO believes in crossing disciplinary boundaries.
IBO believes we are members of a tribe.
IBO believes in IBO.
IBO believes in YOU.

Sat Jun 1 7pm

Sat Jun 22 9pm

Earlier Event: June 1
Nothing by Mouth
Later Event: June 1
Existential Slumber Party!