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Shuga Pie Supreme


In 2016, poet and activist Mark Baumer began walking barefoot across America to protest climate change. Words from his last blog entry: “If you see me at a gas station I’m probably the one sipping on a jar of salsa…we are honestly going to soon be living in the greatest mass extinction humanity has ever experienced.” 

protest explores the conflict of having a conscience and a body. Catherine walks barefoot from Providence, Rhode Island to Perris, California, updating her video blog daily, beset by online trolls, swollen feet, too many bananas, boredom, laughter, poverty, crying. A good tip: stay on the painted white line when walking on the road barefoot, it’s cooler and smoother.

Written by Peter Kim George

Directed by Charles Quittner

Featuring Lynnsey Ooten

Presented by Shuga Pie Supreme

Sound by Nikolai Mishler

Movement by Brandon Powers

Costumes by Ashley Soliman

Set by Yanbo Li