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Affection as a Space Vacuum

Runaways Lab Theater


Art by Gannon Reedy

Art by Gannon Reedy

Intimacy with a literal black hole can be dissolving — A would know. When her black hole lover dissipates, A looks to anyone else for the answers as to why: professors, dates, ghosts of famous physicists past, even Black Holes Anonymous. This is a play about casual affairs and the casualties of them, as well as that One Tree Hill theme song.


A / Maddie Ballard

Blackhole + Date / Dakota Brown

Black Hole Anonymous + Friend / Electra Tremulis

Professor / Nicholas Hassebrock

Teacher's Assistant / Dylan Fahoome


Writer + Producer: Jessie McCarty

Director: Makenzie Beyer

Assistant Director: Niky Crawford

Sound Design: Colton McCarty

Stage Design: Miles Oliver Sennett + Hannah Tymosko

Edited by James Trefil + Makenzie Beyer

Produced by Runaways Lab Theater and Prop Thtr for Rhino Fest 2020

Art by Gannon Reedy