The Kingdom of Slovenalia
MUnCh presents The Kingdom of Slovenalia: An Agrifantastical Parable
The MUnCh invites you on a tour through a kingdom where corn is king, where fairy tales are part of lived history, and where the future is mediated by chance encounters. Part theme-park ride, part high-energy stage show, part role-playing game, guests in Slovenalia are guided by five tour guides to wander through agricultural and mythological landscapes to uncover issues of colonial botany and the limits of citizenship in a world populated by fruit, vegetable, meat, bean, and herb. Each stage of this “tour” allows for elements of chance and participation as the story unfolds into the landscapes of Fruitopia, Slaughterland, Leafy Greenland, and Beanburg, so make sure to fill out your applecation and become a Slovenalian for a day.
Produced by the Museum of Unnatural history Chicago
Devised by Jessica Kearney, David Nesbitt Taylor, Rachel Perzynski, Daniel Shtivelberg, Kevin Sparrow, and Mary Kate Young