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Last Leaf

Mandi Theatre

The Last Leaf

Mandi Theatre is a group of like-minded enthusiasts of "Traditional Hindi Theatre" in Chicago and nearby areas. They are dedicated to producing the "classics" of Indian as well as international dramatic literature — which are not accessible to a wide audience — in Chicago. For Rhino Fest 2019 they present the American fiction writer O. Henry's story The Last Leaf.

O. Henry's stories are known for their surprise endings. The Last Leaf highlights the fear of death faced by humans, but sometimes it changes its recipient. It tells the story of an old artist who saves the life of a young artist, dying of pneumonia, by giving her the will to live.

...The story of Hope, Faith & Sacrifice

...The story of struggle between Optimism & Pessimism

Monday, February 18 at 9pm

Monday, February 25 at 7pm