I'm Not Having Anyone Talk about Me in the Past Tense!
A new theater experiment on idolatry and identity, written by Chris Zdenek
I'm Not Having Anyone Talk about Me in the Past Tense!
Hi, thank you for your interest in our play! And to be clear, this is mostly a play, with actors using prepared text to generate real emotions within fictional circumstances. You may be thinking, "been there, done that," but I promise we'll still find something for you to do as well.
Also, can I ask you a personal question? Have you ever been so emotionally attached to a fictional character that their success was tied to your own sense of self worth? Like, if they don’t hit with 9999 damage every time they attack, it must mean you are inadequate in some way. Then you write a play about it. You ever been there? I hope not. It’s best not to get so caught up in a male power fantasy.
Directed by Josh Weinstein
Written by Chris Zdenek
Actors: Madeline Long, Laura Taylor, Jorge Bolanos, and Ian Tranberg