Bi-Polar Bitch
Sweetback Productions presents a wild ride through the phases of bipolar experience, featuring music by Violet

Bi-Polar Bitch
Sweetback Productions invites the audience on a wild ride through mania with their new show BiPoLaR BitCH. All cast members come with a diagnosis of bipolar or bipolar-related issues. The cast explores the voyage of bipolar symptoms, delving into Jungian spirituality and archetypes while suffering the side effects of psychotropic sedation. The show stars the incredibly talented singer and composer, Violet, who draws us into the experience with her soulful and haunting music.
Performed and Created by: Kelly Anchors, Diane Hamm, Larry Hart, Jillian Erickson, Robert Puig Cuevas, Paul Brennan, and Violet
Set Design: Rick Paul
Wig design: Keith Ryan
Stage Manager: Marlana Carlson
Assistant Stage Manager: Alanna Gerardi