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Rhinofest 2023

Filtering by: Labyrinth Arts

7:00 PM19:00


STARDOG is a new play that utilizes immersive storytelling in hopes of answering the question “how do we use storytelling/narrative/myth to process pain?” Divorcees Nick and Vivian, and their adult child Maxy, each host a get-together with friends in their own homes, represented by separate corners of a shared theatrical space. The audience is separated into three groups, each group acting as dinner guests visiting briefly with one member of this disjointed family unit, before moving on to the next. Each audience group gains a unique perspective on a traumatic event shared by this broken family, and the ways each character is processing their own experience. In moments of heightened storytelling, the disparate family members interact with one another across the stage, bending time and space to briefly become scene partners before resolving into their own living rooms once again.

Story by Jessica Wright Buha and Amanda de la Guardia

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7:00 PM19:00


STARDOG is a new play that utilizes immersive storytelling in hopes of answering the question “how do we use storytelling/narrative/myth to process pain?” Divorcees Nick and Vivian, and their adult child Maxy, each host a get-together with friends in their own homes, represented by separate corners of a shared theatrical space. The audience is separated into three groups, each group acting as dinner guests visiting briefly with one member of this disjointed family unit, before moving on to the next. Each audience group gains a unique perspective on a traumatic event shared by this broken family, and the ways each character is processing their own experience. In moments of heightened storytelling, the disparate family members interact with one another across the stage, bending time and space to briefly become scene partners before resolving into their own living rooms once again.

Story by Jessica Wright Buha and Amanda de la Guardia

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8:00 PM20:00


Its as if it knows how insidious it is. The way it lolls like a broken neck with two bulbous eyes that stare at you upside down. The everlastingness of its gaze is impossible to bear. Up and down. Sideways it crawls. Those absurd, unblinking eyes are everywhere.

Script by Ramona Rotten
Directed by Ramona Rotten
Produced by Ramona Rotten and Grant Carroll
Stage Management by Denver Hoffman
Performed by Tori DeLaney
Understudy: Ramona Rotten
Collage by Ramona Rotten

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 84th Annual Willoughby Telethon
7:00 PM19:00

84th Annual Willoughby Telethon

In a world stuck in a pre-post pandemic post-pre pandemic state running on smiles and denial, three coworkers (Krys, Carlos, and Clark) ruminate on what this experience has been like for the not entirely average Euphrates Corporation Team Member. Tasked with hosting the company's seemingly useless fundraiser, the trio take this as an opportunity to bring their message of hope during this time of corporate despair, a Union! This Labor-comedy is from the the mind of Rauly Luna and brought to you by the good folks at El Bear!

Written and Directed by Rauly Luna

Cast: Bailey Neill, Cavair Robinson, Shaun Rosten, Nathan Bell, Sandy Bykowski, Lisa Leszczewicz, Kristin Garrison

Stage Manager Nathaniel Humphrey

Sound by John Fisher

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7:00 PM19:00


STARDOG is a new play that utilizes immersive storytelling in hopes of answering the question “how do we use storytelling/narrative/myth to process pain?” Divorcees Nick and Vivian, and their adult child Maxy, each host a get-together with friends in their own homes, represented by separate corners of a shared theatrical space. The audience is separated into three groups, each group acting as dinner guests visiting briefly with one member of this disjointed family unit, before moving on to the next. Each audience group gains a unique perspective on a traumatic event shared by this broken family, and the ways each character is processing their own experience. In moments of heightened storytelling, the disparate family members interact with one another across the stage, bending time and space to briefly become scene partners before resolving into their own living rooms once again.

Story by Jessica Wright Buha and Amanda de la Guardia

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8:00 PM20:00


Its as if it knows how insidious it is. The way it lolls like a broken neck with two bulbous eyes that stare at you upside down. The everlastingness of its gaze is impossible to bear. Up and down. Sideways it crawls. Those absurd, unblinking eyes are everywhere.

Script by Ramona Rotten
Directed by Ramona Rotten
Produced by Ramona Rotten and Grant Carroll
Stage Management by Denver Hoffman
Performed by Tori DeLaney
Understudy: Ramona Rotten
Collage by Ramona Rotten

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 84th Annual Willoughby Telethon
7:00 PM19:00

84th Annual Willoughby Telethon

In a world stuck in a pre-post pandemic post-pre pandemic state running on smiles and denial, three coworkers (Krys, Carlos, and Clark) ruminate on what this experience has been like for the not entirely average Euphrates Corporation Team Member. Tasked with hosting the company's seemingly useless fundraiser, the trio take this as an opportunity to bring their message of hope during this time of corporate despair, a Union! This Labor-comedy is from the the mind of Rauly Luna and brought to you by the good folks at El Bear!

Written and Directed by Rauly Luna

Cast: Bailey Neill, Cavair Robinson, Shaun Rosten, Nathan Bell, Sandy Bykowski, Lisa Leszczewicz, Kristin Garrison

Stage Manager Nathaniel Humphrey

Sound by John Fisher

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8:00 PM20:00


Its as if it knows how insidious it is. The way it lolls like a broken neck with two bulbous eyes that stare at you upside down. The everlastingness of its gaze is impossible to bear. Up and down. Sideways it crawls. Those absurd, unblinking eyes are everywhere.

Script by Ramona Rotten
Directed by Ramona Rotten
Produced by Ramona Rotten and Grant Carroll
Stage Management by Denver Hoffman
Performed by Tori DeLaney
Understudy: Ramona Rotten
Collage by Ramona Rotten

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 84th Annual Willoughby Telethon
7:00 PM19:00

84th Annual Willoughby Telethon

In a world stuck in a pre-post pandemic post-pre pandemic state running on smiles and denial, three coworkers (Krys, Carlos, and Clark) ruminate on what this experience has been like for the not entirely average Euphrates Corporation Team Member. Tasked with hosting the company's seemingly useless fundraiser, the trio take this as an opportunity to bring their message of hope during this time of corporate despair, a Union! This Labor-comedy is from the the mind of Rauly Luna and brought to you by the good folks at El Bear!

Written and Directed by Rauly Luna

Cast: Bailey Neill, Cavair Robinson, Shaun Rosten, Nathan Bell, Sandy Bykowski, Lisa Leszczewicz

Stage Manager Nathaniel Humphrey

Sound by John Fisher

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Last Day
4:00 PM16:00

Last Day

Loosely inspired by the works of Samuel Beckett, Last Day is a satirical take on climate nihilism. Consumerism and late stage capitalism has led the earth into landfill dystopia that is no longer inhabitable. The play focuses on Barbie and Richie who are trying their best to make their last day a happy one. Technology, shopping, and visits from the delivery boy can only do so much to distract from the grim reality that today is the last one.

Director/Writer: Genevieve Swanson
Barbie: Athena Nickole
Richie: Lifan Deng
Delivery Boy: Jordan Hayes
Stage Manager: Jordan Large
Lighting Design: Joseph Nelson
Sound Design: Genevieve Swanson
Producer: Genevieve Swanson

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Last Day
8:00 PM20:00

Last Day

Loosely inspired by the works of Samuel Beckett, Last Day is a satirical take on climate nihilism. Consumerism and late stage capitalism has led the earth into landfill dystopia that is no longer inhabitable. The play focuses on Barbie and Richie who are trying their best to make their last day a happy one. Technology, shopping, and visits from the delivery boy can only do so much to distract from the grim reality that today is the last one.

Director/Writer: Genevieve Swanson
Barbie: Athena Nickole
Richie: Lifan Deng
Delivery Boy: Jordan Hayes
Stage Manager: Jordan Large
Lighting Design: Joseph Nelson
Sound Design: Genevieve Swanson
Producer: Genevieve Swanson

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8:00 PM20:00


Its as if it knows how insidious it is. The way it lolls like a broken neck with two bulbous eyes that stare at you upside down. The everlastingness of its gaze is impossible to bear. Up and down. Sideways it crawls. Those absurd, unblinking eyes are everywhere.

Script by Ramona Rotten
Directed by Ramona Rotten
Produced by Ramona Rotten and Grant Carroll
Stage Management by Denver Hoffman
Performed by Tori DeLaney
Understudy: Ramona Rotten
Collage by Ramona Rotten

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