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 84th Annual Willoughby Telethon

Rhinofest 2023

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84th Annual Willoughby Telethon

In a world stuck in a pre-post pandemic post-pre pandemic state running on smiles and denial, three coworkers (Krys, Carlos, and Clark) ruminate on what this experience has been like for the not entirely average Euphrates Corporation Team Member. Tasked with hosting the company's seemingly useless fundraiser, the trio take this as an opportunity to bring their message of hope during this time of corporate despair, a Union! This Labor-comedy is from the the mind of Rauly Luna and brought to you by the good folks at El Bear!

Written and Directed by Rauly Luna

Cast: Bailey Neill, Cavair Robinson, Shaun Rosten, Nathan Bell, Sandy Bykowski, Lisa Leszczewicz, Kristin Garrison

Stage Manager Nathaniel Humphrey

Sound by John Fisher

Buy Tickets

Earlier Event: June 18
Strangulation Day
Later Event: June 21