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Strangulation Day

Rhinofest 2023

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Strangulation Day

The 1948 screenplay for "Rope", written by Hume Cronyn and Arthur Laurents, and directed by Alfred Hitchcock, was intended to be filmed in one long take. Strangulation Day: A Livestream Theatre Production will fulfill that vision live on Zoom. Combining the language of video with the immediacy and intimacy of Chicago theatre, viewers will be able to log in from home or join us in person at the Chicago Dramatists.

Keith Gatchel - Producer

Rory Jobst -Director

David von Ehrlicher - David Kentley/Camera

Derek Preston Ray - Brandon Shaw

Harold Jaffe - Phillip Morgan

Tammy White - Mrs. Wilson

Dakota Pariset - Kenneth Lawrence

Haley Bolithon - Janet Walker

Nick Leininger - Mr. Henry Kentley

Carol Ludwick - Mrs. Anita Atwater

Cary Shoda - Rupert Cadell

image credit - Keith Gatchel

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Earlier Event: June 18
Later Event: June 19
84th Annual Willoughby Telethon