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Rhinofest 2023

Filtering by: Chicago Dramatists

What Is Even Happening?!!!
5:00 PM17:00

What Is Even Happening?!!!

Her family isolates together during the pandemic. She often thinks, “Didn’t I already serve this sentence when they were babies?” Wait. Did she manifest a global health crisis to keep them from leaving? 

We enter the bunker to find that things have gotten out of hand. Escape is going to take choreographed distance and closeness, the fanciest of footwork, and words felt but not understood.

How did they survive? Through K-Pop? Surely, not. And yet. 

This is not a show about motherhood, or the pandemic, or isolation, or letting go, or finding a common language in pop culture … It's the opposite of all of that.

Written by Kristin Garrison
Directed by Jayita Bhattacharya
Performed by Kristin Garrison, Lola Zimmerman, Penny Lou Zimmerman

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Fourteen by Alice Gerstenberg
3:00 PM15:00

Fourteen by Alice Gerstenberg

This is about how problems sometimes work out themselves and how people overdue themselves when trying to impress. Synopsis. Mrs. Pringle is preparing to host a dinner party to introduce her daughter, Elaine, to the city's most eligible bachelor, Oliver Farnsworth. Illness and a blizzard force some guests to cancel and the three characters are compelled to try to salvage the evening and the dinner-table layout.

Director - ALKA SHARMA.
Stage Manager : Jasraj, Pooja and Awanti
Technical support : Alka Sharma

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What Is Even Happening?!!!
7:00 PM19:00

What Is Even Happening?!!!

Her family isolates together during the pandemic. She often thinks, “Didn’t I already serve this sentence when they were babies?” Wait. Did she manifest a global health crisis to keep them from leaving? 

We enter the bunker to find that things have gotten out of hand. Escape is going to take choreographed distance and closeness, the fanciest of footwork, and words felt but not understood.

How did they survive? Through K-Pop? Surely, not. And yet. 

This is not a show about motherhood, or the pandemic, or isolation, or letting go, or finding a common language in pop culture … It's the opposite of all of that.

Written by Kristin Garrison
Directed by Jayita Bhattacharya
Performed by Kristin Garrison, Lola Zimmerman, Penny Lou Zimmerman

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White Unders: The Rhino Cut
9:00 PM21:00

White Unders: The Rhino Cut

Welcome to DreamFactory LLC! Our workers are busy dreaming up other lives for themselves as they pass time in the break room. Each scene is a snippet of an imagined life and alternate persona for our four dream-workers, a kaleidoscope of possible identities. You might laugh. You will cry. And just wait'll we get our Hanes on you!

Directed by: Kevin Sparrow

Performed and Devised by: Kelsey Chigas, Morgan-Eliza Cooper, Howard Friedman, Wanda Jin, and David Nesbitt Taylor

Props by: JI YAng

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The Almost Emperor of the Unofficial Deestrick of Lake Michigan
9:00 PM21:00

The Almost Emperor of the Unofficial Deestrick of Lake Michigan

It is the 1920s in Chicago, and The District of Lake Michigan is thriving. Led by Cap and Ma Streeter, the lakefront plot of land that houses The District is occupied by a ragtag group of Chicagoans living outside the law. They have been allowed to live there, pretty much undisturbed, for decades, but now they are in the way of millionaire Potter Palmer's master plan to expand his holdings onto Lake Shore Drive. Not one to do his own dirty work, Palmer sends his puppets (The Judge, Sargeant O'Malley, and N.A. Warpbank) to remove Streeter and his followers from the land once and for all in this DaDa adaptation of a Chicago legend. "Streeterville won't never have a chamber of commerce until it has a cabaret. This is a frontier town and its got to go through its red-blooded youth. A church and a WCTU branch never growed a town yet. Yuh gotta start with entertainment." -- Captain George Wellington Streeter

Playwright: Leah Roth Barsanti
Director: Kristin L. Schoenback
Design: Rachael Nuckles
Performers: Kylie Anderson, Kelsey Busboom, Vivian Delgadillo, Keenan Odenkirk, Ryan Tang

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Everybody's Body
7:00 PM19:00

Everybody's Body

A series of stories and hypothesis and enticements, all about being human in a body. It'll be strange, also rapturous, and definitely a little scary. Bring your own body into this one and we'll be an organism together. And don't worry: there's candy.

Jenn Biddle: writer, performer
Stefan Brun: directed, assisted by: Kristen and Scott Vehill

photo credit: Ben Gonzalez (

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7:00 PM19:00


A gay soldier falls in love on the battlefield and everyone believes he has PTSD.

Written/Directed by Carey Friedman

Stage/Costume Design - Jason Greenberg

Ensemble - Affan Khan, Patrick O’Keefe, Max Reise, Vicki Walden

VR Consultant - Lance Baker

Stage Manager/Lighting Design - Shannon Evans

This play contains adult themes and content that may not be suitable for younger audience members.

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Strangulation Day
7:00 PM19:00

Strangulation Day

The 1948 screenplay for "Rope", written by Hume Cronyn and Arthur Laurents, and directed by Alfred Hitchcock, was intended to be filmed in one long take. Strangulation Day: A Livestream Theatre Production will fulfill that vision live on Zoom. Combining the language of video with the immediacy and intimacy of Chicago theatre, viewers will be able to log in from home or join us in person at the Chicago Dramatists.

Keith Gatchel - Producer

Rory Jobst -Director

David von Ehrlicher - David Kentley/Camera

Derek Preston Ray - Brandon Shaw

Harold Jaffe - Phillip Morgan

Tammy White - Mrs. Wilson

Dakota Pariset - Kenneth Lawrence

Haley Bolithon - Janet Walker

Nick Leininger - Mr. Henry Kentley

Carol Ludwick - Mrs. Anita Atwater

Cary Shoda - Rupert Cadell

image credit - Keith Gatchel

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I am dreaming I / Once fell asleep with a ghost / Accidentally
5:00 PM17:00

I am dreaming I / Once fell asleep with a ghost / Accidentally

I am dreaming I / Once fell asleep with a ghost / Accidentally

A one-act chamber play for 5 interchangeable characters, with dialogue spoken entirely in haiku (or haiku’ish). The conversation meanders into dreams, dining, melodrama, ghosts, religion, movies, etiquette, among other divigations. *Work in-progress

Written and composed by Robert Metrick

Directed by Heather Lindahl

Ensemble work generated by a collective effort, facilitated by Amanda Loch.

Featuring: Karyn Ashby, Travis Hale, Katharine Jordan, Pamela Strateman, Terry Sofianos Wohlgenant

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Fourteen by Alice Gerstenberg
3:00 PM15:00

Fourteen by Alice Gerstenberg

This is about how problems sometimes work out themselves and how people overdue themselves when trying to impress. Synopsis. Mrs. Pringle is preparing to host a dinner party to introduce her daughter, Elaine, to the city's most eligible bachelor, Oliver Farnsworth. Illness and a blizzard force some guests to cancel and the three characters are compelled to try to salvage the evening and the dinner-table layout.

Director - ALKA SHARMA.
Stage Manager : Jasraj, Pooja and Awanti
Technical support : Alka Sharma

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Strangulation Day
9:00 PM21:00

Strangulation Day

The 1948 screenplay for "Rope", written by Hume Cronyn and Arthur Laurents, and directed by Alfred Hitchcock, was intended to be filmed in one long take. Strangulation Day: A Livestream Theatre Production will fulfill that vision live on Zoom. Combining the language of video with the immediacy and intimacy of Chicago theatre, viewers will be able to log in from home or join us in person at the Chicago Dramatists.

Keith Gatchel - Producer

Rory Jobst -Director

David von Ehrlicher - David Kentley/Camera

Derek Preston Ray - Brandon Shaw

Harold Jaffe - Phillip Morgan

Tammy White - Mrs. Wilson

Dakota Pariset - Kenneth Lawrence

Haley Bolithon - Janet Walker

Nick Leininger - Mr. Henry Kentley

Carol Ludwick - Mrs. Anita Atwater

Cary Shoda - Rupert Cadell

image credit - Keith Gatchel

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I am dreaming I / Once fell asleep with a ghost / Accidentally
7:00 PM19:00

I am dreaming I / Once fell asleep with a ghost / Accidentally

I am dreaming I / Once fell asleep with a ghost / Accidentally

A one-act chamber play for 5 interchangeable characters, with dialogue spoken entirely in haiku (or haiku’ish). The conversation meanders into dreams, dining, melodrama, ghosts, religion, movies, etiquette, among other divigations. *Work in-progress

Written and composed by Robert Metrick

Directed by Heather Lindahl

Ensemble work generated by a collective effort, facilitated by Amanda Loch.

Featuring: Karyn Ashby, Travis Hale, Katharine Jordan, Pamela Strateman, Terry Sofianos Wohlgenant

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White Unders: The Rhino Cut
9:00 PM21:00

White Unders: The Rhino Cut

Welcome to DreamFactory LLC! Our workers are busy dreaming up other lives for themselves as they pass time in the break room. Each scene is a snippet of an imagined life and alternate persona for our four dream-workers, a kaleidoscope of possible identities. You might laugh. You will cry. And just wait'll we get our Hanes on you!

Directed by: Kevin Sparrow

Performed and Devised by: Kelsey Chigas, Morgan-Eliza Cooper, Howard Friedman, Wanda Jin, and David Nesbitt Taylor

Props by: JI YAng

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9:00 PM21:00


A gay soldier falls in love on the battlefield and everyone believes he has PTSD.

Written/Directed by Carey Friedman

Stage/Costume Design - Jason Greenberg

Ensemble - Affan Khan, Patrick O’Keefe, Max Reise, Vicki Walden

VR Consultant - Lance Baker

Stage Manager/Lighting Design - Shannon Evans

This play contains adult themes and content that may not be suitable for younger audience members.

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Everybody's Body
7:00 PM19:00

Everybody's Body

A series of stories and hypothesis and enticements, all about being human in a body. It'll be strange, also rapturous, and definitely a little scary. Bring your own body into this one and we'll be an organism together. And don't worry: there's candy.

Jenn Biddle: writer, performer
Stefan Brun: directed, assisted by: Kristen and Scott Vehill

photo credit: Ben Gonzalez

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7:00 PM19:00


A gay soldier falls in love on the battlefield and everyone believes he has PTSD.

Written/Directed by Carey Friedman

Stage/Costume Design - Jason Greenberg

Ensemble - Affan Khan, Patrick O’Keefe, Max Reise, Vicki Walden

VR Consultant - Lance Baker

Stage Manager/Lighting Design - Shannon Evans

This play contains adult themes and content that may not be suitable for younger audience members.

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White Unders: The Rhino Cut
7:00 PM19:00

White Unders: The Rhino Cut

Welcome to DreamFactory LLC! Our workers are busy dreaming up other lives for themselves as they pass time in the break room. Each scene is a snippet of an imagined life and alternate persona for our four dream-workers, a kaleidoscope of possible identities. You might laugh. You will cry. And just wait'll we get our Hanes on you!

Directed by: Kevin Sparrow

Performed and Devised by: Kelsey Chigas, Morgan-Eliza Cooper, Howard Friedman, Wanda Jin, and David Nesbitt Taylor

Props by: JI YAng

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White Unders: The Rhino Cut
7:00 PM19:00

White Unders: The Rhino Cut

Welcome to DreamFactory LLC! Our workers are busy dreaming up other lives for themselves as they pass time in the break room. Each scene is a snippet of an imagined life and alternate persona for our four dream-workers, a kaleidoscope of possible identities. You might laugh. You will cry. And just wait'll we get our Hanes on you!

Directed by: Kevin Sparrow

Performed and Devised by: Kelsey Chigas, Morgan-Eliza Cooper, Howard Friedman, Wanda Jin, and David Nesbitt Taylor

Props by: JI YAng

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Everybody's Body
5:00 PM17:00

Everybody's Body

A series of stories and hypothesis and enticements, all about being human in a body. It'll be strange, also rapturous, and definitely a little scary. Bring your own body into this one and we'll be an organism together. And don't worry: there's candy.

Jenn Biddle: writer, performer
Stefan Brun: directed, assisted by: Kristen and Scott Vehill

photo credit: Ben Gonzalez

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Fourteen by Alice Gerstenberg
3:00 PM15:00

Fourteen by Alice Gerstenberg

This is about how problems sometimes work out themselves and how people overdue themselves when trying to impress. Synopsis. Mrs. Pringle is preparing to host a dinner party to introduce her daughter, Elaine, to the city's most eligible bachelor, Oliver Farnsworth. Illness and a blizzard force some guests to cancel and the three characters are compelled to try to salvage the evening and the dinner-table layout.

Director - ALKA SHARMA.
Stage Manager : Jasraj, Pooja and Awanti
Technical support : Alka Sharma

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Beast Women
9:00 PM21:00

Beast Women

Beast Women is an All-Female Performance Variety Revue, serving as a platform to showcase the best female talent in Chicago. We are musicians, poets, dancers, performance artists, aerialist and so much more. Our shows are not your typical shows. What we put on stage for you is our passion, strength, freedom, sensuality and reveal the very things that make us who we are and who all women are.

Jill Erickson - Director/Producer/Emcee
Riley Lamarre -Technical Director
Mahira - Belly Dance
Spitfire - Acroartist
Diva LaVida - Burlesque
Roberta Miles - Monologist
Amanda Saucedo - Modern Flamenco
The McCrystalizor - Hoop Artist
Holliwood Monroe - Songstress
AlleyCat - Flow Artist
Bobby Crowley - Spoken Word
and more...

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7:00 PM19:00


A gay soldier falls in love on the battlefield and everyone believes he has PTSD.

Written/Directed by Carey Friedman

Stage/Costume Design - Jason Greenberg

Ensemble - Affan Khan, Patrick O’Keefe, Max Reise, Vicki Walden

VR Consultant - Lance Baker

Stage Manager/Lighting Design - Shannon Evans

This play contains adult themes and content that may not be suitable for younger audience members.

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White Unders: The Rhino Cut
9:00 PM21:00

White Unders: The Rhino Cut

Welcome to DreamFactory LLC! Our workers are busy dreaming up other lives for themselves as they pass time in the break room. Each scene is a snippet of an imagined life and alternate persona for our four dream-workers, a kaleidoscope of possible identities. You might laugh. You will cry. And just wait'll we get our Hanes on you!

Directed by: Kevin Sparrow

Performed and Devised by: Kelsey Chigas, Morgan-Eliza Cooper, Howard Friedman, Wanda Jin, and David Nesbitt Taylor

Props by: JI YAng

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The Almost Emperor of the Unofficial Deestrick of Lake Michigan
9:00 PM21:00

The Almost Emperor of the Unofficial Deestrick of Lake Michigan

It is the 1920s in Chicago, and The District of Lake Michigan is thriving. Led by Cap and Ma Streeter, the lakefront plot of land that houses The District is occupied by a ragtag group of Chicagoans living outside the law. They have been allowed to live there, pretty much undisturbed, for decades, but now they are in the way of millionaire Potter Palmer's master plan to expand his holdings onto Lake Shore Drive. Not one to do his own dirty work, Palmer sends his puppets (The Judge, Sargeant O'Malley, and N.A. Warpbank) to remove Streeter and his followers from the land once and for all in this DaDa adaptation of a Chicago legend. "Streeterville won't never have a chamber of commerce until it has a cabaret. This is a frontier town and its got to go through its red-blooded youth. A church and a WCTU branch never growed a town yet. Yuh gotta start with entertainment." -- Captain George Wellington Streeter

Playwright: Leah Roth Barsanti
Director: Kristin L. Schoenback
Design: Rachael Nuckles
Performers: Kylie Anderson, Kelsey Busboom, Vivian Delgadillo, Keenan Odenkirk, Ryan Tang

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Everybody's Body
7:00 PM19:00

Everybody's Body

A series of stories and hypothesis and enticements, all about being human in a body. It'll be strange, also rapturous, and definitely a little scary. Bring your own body into this one and we'll be an organism together. And don't worry: there's candy.

Jenn Biddle: writer, performer
Stefan Brun: directed, assisted by: Kristen and Scott Vehill

photo credit: Ben Gonzalez (

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