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The Almost Emperor of the Unofficial Deestrick of Lake Michigan

Rhinofest 2023

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The Almost Emperor of the Unofficial Deestrick of Lake Michigan

It is the 1920s in Chicago, and The District of Lake Michigan is thriving. Led by Cap and Ma Streeter, the lakefront plot of land that houses The District is occupied by a ragtag group of Chicagoans living outside the law. They have been allowed to live there, pretty much undisturbed, for decades, but now they are in the way of millionaire Potter Palmer's master plan to expand his holdings onto Lake Shore Drive. Not one to do his own dirty work, Palmer sends his puppets (The Judge, Sargeant O'Malley, and N.A. Warpbank) to remove Streeter and his followers from the land once and for all in this DaDa adaptation of a Chicago legend. "Streeterville won't never have a chamber of commerce until it has a cabaret. This is a frontier town and its got to go through its red-blooded youth. A church and a WCTU branch never growed a town yet. Yuh gotta start with entertainment." -- Captain George Wellington Streeter

Playwright: Leah Roth Barsanti
Director: Kristin L. Schoenback
Design: Rachael Nuckles
Performers: Kylie Anderson, Kelsey Busboom, Vivian Delgadillo, Keenan Odenkirk, Ryan Tang

Earlier Event: June 22
My Beautiful Game
Later Event: June 23
Monster Girl