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I am dreaming I / Once fell asleep with a ghost / Accidentally

Rhinofest 2023

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I am dreaming I / Once fell asleep with a ghost / Accidentally

I am dreaming I / Once fell asleep with a ghost / Accidentally

A one-act chamber play for 5 interchangeable characters, with dialogue spoken entirely in haiku (or haiku’ish). The conversation meanders into dreams, dining, melodrama, ghosts, religion, movies, etiquette, among other divigations. *Work in-progress

Written and composed by Robert Metrick

Directed by Heather Lindahl

Ensemble work generated by a collective effort, facilitated by Amanda Loch.

Featuring: Karyn Ashby, Travis Hale, Katharine Jordan, Pamela Strateman, Terry Sofianos Wohlgenant