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Last Day

Rhinofest 2023

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Last Day

Loosely inspired by the works of Samuel Beckett, Last Day is a satirical take on climate nihilism. Consumerism and late stage capitalism has led the earth into landfill dystopia that is no longer inhabitable. The play focuses on Barbie and Richie who are trying their best to make their last day a happy one. Technology, shopping, and visits from the delivery boy can only do so much to distract from the grim reality that today is the last one.

Director/Writer: Genevieve Swanson
Barbie: Athena Nickole
Richie: Lifan Deng
Delivery Boy: Jordan Hayes
Stage Manager: Jordan Large
Lighting Design: Joseph Nelson
Sound Design: Genevieve Swanson
Producer: Genevieve Swanson

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