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LegLand: An Absurd “Staged” “Reading”

Rhinofest 2023

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LegLand: An Absurd “Staged” “Reading”

We thought we had already found all of the great lost works of the past. We thought wrong. LegLand is proud to present an absurd “staged” “reading” of all the newly discovered texts from their private archives, including some of the only great, classical texts to be set in a major American city. Discover what the great babies of time and space have been up to since they burped our milkiest of ways into existence. LegLand creates absurdist, bouffon-inspired devised theatre pieces that parody everything from Greek drama to reality TV, to consumer culture and their signature style melds drag, larger-than-life costumes, audience participation, burlesque, and various multimedia elements. 18+ recommended.

Created and performed by LegLand (Connor Konz, Danny Gadaj, and Mo Less)

"Stage Manager": Aida Delaz

posters created by Danny Gadaj

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Earlier Event: June 4
Last Day
Later Event: June 4
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