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Bussy Talks: A Gender Performance

Rhinofest 2023

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Bussy Talks: A Gender Performance

Bussy Talks: A Gender Performance From the ashes of the Vagina Monologues rises the gender-non-conforming Bussy Talks. God bless our second wave feminist fore-mothers, but that look is busted, honey! All tea, no shade. This variety show event celebrates the dodges, ducks, dips, dives, and dodges of gender norms. Performers use song, dance, and direct address to tell personal stories about how they subvert the system and have a little fun along the way. They are not precious about it; they grab life by the bussy. Bussy Talks is a funny, honest, and irreverent celebration of gender fuckery.

Directors: Hannah Blau, Naomi Flores, Davon Suttles

Performers: TBA

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Flyer Drawn by Naomi Flores

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