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By Karen O. Fort, Directed by Rose Freeman

A vintage piece. Cascadia, Oregon, just outside of Sweet Home, outside of Eugene. It’s 1973, and the hippies and the loggers are trying to get along on the forest fire fighting crew. The Roe vs Wade ruling happened. The teacher just got fired for teaching evolution and Sex Ed. She wants a baby but she knows her boyfriend with eco dreams isn’t ready for a kid. Tiger’s hustling Jess like a wolf, but she’s been reading Ms. Magazine, so she’s squashing her reciprocal attraction. Along comes a little lost teenage runaway from Chicago with her boom-box, blow-drier and her secret troubles. The household takes her in, coaxing her to trust them by showing her their own secret: the forest marijuana plot. Oh, and it hasn’t rained in weeks, so the hillsides are as dry as tinder and it’s hot. Wanna go skinny-dipping?


  1. Anya Clingman

  2. Patrick Ford

  3. Stella Akua Mensah

  4. Christine Vrem-Ydstie

  5. Bill Zimmerman