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A Neighborhood of Starrs

Rhinofest 2023

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A Neighborhood of Starrs

A neighborhood of Starrs celebrates the work of poet and writer John Starrs with brand new neighborhood stories, by Starrs himself, KellyAnn Corcoran, Jennifer Moniz and Kathy Cunningham. The evening is framed with Starrs's "Suburban Poems" set to music by KellyAnn's folk band, Salt Creek School Board. Come sing along!

Director/Producer: KellyAnn Corcoran

Performers: KellyAnn Corcoran, Jennifer Moniz, Cathy Cunningham & John Starrs

Musicians, Ian Covington O'Kelley, KellyAnn Corcoran, Matthias Leisen, Pat Pouska, Penelope Leisen & Stephen Covington-O'Kelly

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