The Monologue Play is an ongoing series of pieces that use found language and creative non-fiction to create short monologues that examine the issues of race, religion, sex, identity, politics...and the American Myth.
Producer: Timothy David Rey
Director: J'Sun Howard
Actors: Joy Young, Catrina Evans, Keely Smith.
An Interview is an ongoing, interlocking series of unique encounters across a table between rotating pairs of participants -- one returning from the previous segment to be interviewed, the other newly arriving to ask the questions before the tables are turned on them. Each segment revisits the transcript of the prior encounter as prelude to a new exchange, which will then be revisited in the following segment, and so on... Initiated by Ira S. Murfin in 2016, dozens of people have now participated in An Interview in theaters, galleries, classrooms, living rooms and other places where two people can meet and talk.
Created by: Ira S. Murfin
Participants: Noah Ginex, Timothy Rey + one more TBA
Contact Ira S. Murfin at if you are interested in hosting or participating in a future segment of An Interview.
image credit: Ira S. Murfin and AI